The Israeli government has extended the suspension of international flights to and from Ben Gurion airport until Feb. 21.

Key Points:

  • Travelers who wish to fly to Ben Gurion airport are allowed to apply to do so to the Exemptions Committee. Those who need to travel for the following reasons may be granted approval:
    • To attend the funeral of an immediate relative.
    • To accompany a body to Israel for burial.
    • To obtain urgent medical treatment, including women in their final trimester of pregnancy.
    • To take care of an immediate relative in distress.
    • To engage in activities based on additional compassionate reasons.
    • To take part in legal proceedings.
  • Flights are still allowed for emergencies, cargo transportation and transiting through Israel airspace.
  • The following travelers are allowed to fly from Ben Gurion Airport:
    • Foreign nationals, including foreign workers with B-1 work visas and their dependents holding B-2 visas. Foreign nationals who are permanent Israeli residents are allowed to depart.
    • Israeli citizens who live abroad, though proof of permanent residence abroad must be submitted to the Exemptions Committee.
    • Those whose entry applications to the Exemptions Committee were successful.
    • Professional athletes who wish to participate in official international tournaments.
  • No commercial flights are allowed to depart, except for Israeli private planes with up to nine passengers.

Additional Information: Israel’s land borders with Jordan and Egypt are also closed.

Analysis & Comments:
The extension will temporarily make air travel to and from Israel impossible for most travelers, though there are some exceptions. Employers who wish to send employees to or from Israel will have to wait, unless the employees meet the exception conditions. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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