Hong Kong has extended its mandatory quarantine policy for individuals traveling from mainland China, Macau and Taiwan. New exemptions will be provided for some travelers.

Key Points:

  • The mandatory quarantine will be extended until June 7.
  • The new rules allow authorities to make exemptions for individuals (1) who need to enter Hong Kong to receive or provide nursery, kindergarten, primary or secondary education at any school registered under the relevant Hong Kong educational ordinance and (2) whose travel is considered necessary for manufacturing operations, business activities, or the provision of professional services in the interest of Hong Kong’s economic development.
  • The Director of Health has been given authority, at a time in the future, to cancel the mandatory quarantine against travelers from mainland China or Macau if they can meet certain criteria, including testing negative for COVID-19 and producing a certificate showing that they have been under quarantine for 14 days in mainland China or Macau.
  • Non-Hong Kong residents arriving from overseas by plane will be denied entry to Hong Kong until further notice.

Additional information: Details on the exemption arrangements (including applications for exemption) are expected soon. Those exempted will be subject to Department of Health medical surveillance during their stay in Hong Kong and will be required to wear masks and report their temperature daily.

Analysis & Comments: The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, and Deloitte will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please check Deloitte’s COVID-19 Digital Map, available here, for information on travel restrictions and immigration changes in other countries.

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