Thailand’s government has announced additional requirements for 90-day report applications.

Key Points:

  • Under a change that took effect in January, Thailand’s Immigration Office at the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) is requiring that 90-day report applications submitted at the OSSC include the additional following documents if the applicant does not notify authorities by him- or herself and authorizes a person to report on his or her behalf:
    • A valid power of attorney.
    • A copy of an ID card or passport for the POA’s proxy.
    • A copy of work permit for the principal applicant (also required if the applicant submits the report themselves).
  • For a foreign national holding visas granted under BOI, IEAT and petroleum privileges and utilizing visa processes with the competent immigration office outside Bangkok, the 90-day report application must also be accompanied by a TM.30 receipt when submitted at the OSSC.
  • Submitting 90-day reports without the documents listed above will lead to the application being unsuccessful and delays in completion. Failing to complete a 90-day report in time will cause a foreign national to be subject to a fine of THB 2,000 (per incident/person) for late reporting. A foreign national who is in violation must be present at the immigration office to pay the fine.

Background: Under Thai Immigration Act B.E. 2522, a foreign national who is permitted to temporarily stay in Thailand must notify the Immigration office of his or her residence if he or she they stays in the country for 90 consecutive days or more. The notification is required without delay, upon the completion of a 90-day period and must be repeated at every 90-day interval. In practice, a foreign national can notify his or her 90-day report 15 days before or seven days after the due date.

The 90-day report requires: the original passport; immigration departure card (TM.6); receipt of previous 90-day reports (if any); notification for resident Form (TM. 61); and TM.47 form submitted to the local competent immigration office. If a foreigner and his or her sponsoring company meet qualifications of the One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit (OSSC), his or her 90-day report can also be notified at the OSSC in Bangkok.

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